Library and Academic Information Center
Our library provides students and faculty with various resources for study, teaching, and research. It holds many books and periodicals, and subscribes to online journals (Springer) and a database (CiNii Articles). There are two "Library corners" for students, located near the homerooms.There are six “Library corners” for students, located near the homerooms and dormitory rooms. To enhance collaboration with the local community, the library is open to the public.
A reading room
Newspapers and Periodicals
The information and computing education of NITIC has been performed by using the campus network and the four computer rooms that are named “Electronic Computer Room”, “Multimedia Pasokonkyoshitsu”, “Computer Seminar Room” and “Computer Engineering Room”. Students will be able to freely use these rooms whenever those are available. Moreover, it is also possible to take e-learning lectures delivered by distant partner universities.
In our school, information network (campus LAN) has been built throughout the campus by optical cable. In addition, communicating with all over the world is made possible through the commercial internet circuits.
With these networks, you can e-mail, search for library information, and gather useful information about education and research from around the world.
Electronic Computer Room
This room is located in the Information Processing Center, where we have 51 windows PCs. The computer room is a facility for practice with basic office products as well as simulations in various fields.

Computer Seminar Room
This room is located in the Building 6, where we have 51 windows PCs. In the Lectures and exercises, this room is available for primarily automatic design drafting and programming education.

Computer Engineering Room
This room is located in the Building 7, where we have 50 Linux / Windows multi OS PCs. This room has been primarily available not only for Java and C programming exercises, but also for a variety of purposes such as parallel computing or image processing.

Global Education Center
NITIC has been engaged in various international exchanges such as accepting overseas students, overseas internship programs for Japanese students and promoting academic partnership with universities or colleges overseas. In 2002, International Exchange Center (IEC) was established in order to activate such international exchanging programs. International Exchange Club is one of our unparalleled activities to help overseas students cooperate with Japanese students to get involved in our college festival as well as local activities. In 2017, Global Education Center is expansively established for further globalization beyond exchange.
Agreement of academic exchange
NITIC has concluded an academic exchange contract with universities overseas, including INSA de Rouen in France that has long been with us since 1989 and Chosen College of Science and Technology in the Republic of Korea since 2010. As for INSA de Rouen, NITIC initially accepted the first exchange student as a trainee in 1990 and started sending its students to INSA de Rouen since 1991.
Student dispatch to INSA de Rouen
Internship in Chosen College of Science and Technology
Technology Research Center
One of the school’s missions is to cooperate in development of regional industry with our technology. We strongly hope to find new more subjects of research by sharing our information with the industry.
Technical Teaching and Support Center
This center was founded in 2002 to carry out the technical support and the specialized engineering tasks. In 2008 it was restructured as the current organization. The staffs support the regular course and the advanced one with their techniques and knowledge. They give basic techniques to the students and support the faculty for highly advanced technology. The staffs make continuous efforts trying to keep safety first, so that the students can take pleasure in manufacturing. The center is also challenging to solve the latest tasks such as the maintenance of the most advanced LAN system on campus.